Posts Tagged ‘Disability Benefits’

Ever wonder how the the social security administration(SSA) decides who can qualify for benefits? Well your in luck!

The main factor in determining eligibility involves the Blue Book. The Blue Book is a listing of key words that must appear in your doctor’s letter to the SSA. What that means is the doctor must list these key words like if a condition is recurrent, then it means he longitudinal clinical record shows that, within a consecutive 12-month period, the finding(s) occur at least three times, with intervening periods of improvement of sufficient duration that it is clear that separate events are involved… or in a 12 month period you are to have been checked three times and had the the same diagnosis even if there were periods of improvement.

However, if the doctor uses a word like consistent or mixed with intervals, then it may fly under the SSA’s radar and could cause a problem with approval of benefits.

Lawyers and other advocates usually have substantial imput and expertise in working with a person’s physician to ensure there are enough “buzz” words for a person to qualify.

SO if you are considering applying for benefits it is important to look at this blue book and talk with your doctor. It is also advisable to seek legal counsel if you feel that you cannot do it on your own or you have been denied and are seeking to appeal the decision.

Below is the link to the SSA’s Blue Book Listing which should get you started: